
"Excellence in Eloquence"


Intimate Strangers

완벽한 타인

연출: 이재규 감독

제작: 필름몬스터

배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트

출연: 유해진 , 조진웅 , 이서진 , 염정아 , 김지수

Intimate Strangers

Directed by LEE Jae-kyu

Produced by Film Monster

Presented by Lotte Entertainments

Starring: YOO Hae-jin, CHO Jin-woong, LEE Seo-jin, YUM Chung-ah, KIM Jee-soo

Release: 2018.10.31

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

Swing Kids


연출:강형철 감독

제작: 안나푸르나필름

배급: NEW

출연: 도경수, 오정세, 박혜수

Swing Kids

Directed by KANG Hyung-chul

Produced by Annapurna Films

Presented by NEW

Starring: DO Kyung-soo, OH Jung-se, PARK Hye-soo

Release: 2018.12

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits


연출:변혁 감독

제작: 하이브미디어코프

배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트

출연: 박해일, 수애, 윤제문

High Society

Directed by BYUN Hyuk

Produced by Hive Media Corp.

Presented by Lotte Entertainment

Starring: PARK Hae-il, SOO Ae, YOON Je-moon

Release: 2018.8.29

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits


연출: 유영선 감독

제작: 발자국공장

배급: 스마일이엔티, N.E.W

출연: 서영희 , 손나은 , 박민지

The Wrath

Directed by YOO Young-sun

Produced by Footprint Factory

Presented by Smile ENT, N.E.W

Starring: SEO Young-hee, SOHN Na-eun, PARK Min-jee

Release: 2018.11.08

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits



연출:이종언 감독


배급: NEW

출연: 설경구, 전도연

Birthday(Working Title)

Directed by LEE Jong-eun

Produced by

Presented by NEW

Starring: SUL Kyoung-gu, JEON Do-yeon


Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

The Kingdom

킹덤 (시즌1, 넷플릭스 TV 시리즈)

연출: 김성훈 감독

대본: 김은희

제작: 에이스토리

배급: 넷플릭스

출연: 주지훈, 배두나, 류승룡

The Kingdom (Season 1, Netflix TV Series)

Directed by KIM Sung-hoon

Written by KIM Eun-hee

Produced by A Story

Presented by Netflix

Starring: JOO Ji-hoon, BAE Doo-na, RYU Sung-ryong

Release: 2019.1

Translated the screen plays, marketing kits, and main subtitles

Beautiful Days

뷰티풀 데이즈

연출: 윤재호 감독

제작: 페퍼민트앤컴퍼니

배급: 콘텐츠판다, 스마일이엔티

출연: 이나영 , 장동윤 , 오광록

Beautiful Days

Directed by YOON Jae-ho

Produced by Peppermint & Company

Presented by Contents Panda, Smile ENT

Starring LEE Na-young, CHANG Dong-yoon, OH Kwang-rok

Release: 2018.11.21

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

Stand By Me


연출: 방수인 감독

제작: 영화사 두둥

배급: 메가박스 플러스엠

출연: 이순재 , 정지훈 , 장광

Stand By Me

Directed by BANG Soo-in

Produced by Doo-doong Films

Presented by Megabox Plus M

Starring LEE Soon-jae, CHUNG Jee-hoon, CHANG Kwang

Release: 2018.04.05

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

Set Play


연출: 문승욱 감독

제작: 키노비

배급: 메가박스 플러스엠

출연: 이재균, 장유상

Stand By Me

Directed by BANG Soo-in

Produced by Kinobi

Presented by Megabox Plus M

Starring LEE Jae-kyun, CHANG Yoo-sang


Translated the main subtitles and press kits

조선명탐정: 흡혈괴마의 비밀

연출: 김석윤 감독

제작: 청년필름

배급: 쇼박스

출연: 김명민 , 오달수 , 김지원

Detective K: Secret of the Living Dead

Directed by KIM Suk-yoon

Produced by Chungnyun Films

Presented by Show Box

Starring: KIM Myung-min, OH Dal-soo, KIM Jee-won

Release: 2018.02.08

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

선희와 슬기

연출: 박영주 감독

제작: 오세민

출연: 정다은, 전국향

Second Life

Directed by KIM Suk-yoon

Produced by OH Se-min

Starring: CHUNG Da-eun, JEON Kook-hyang

BIFF 2018

Translated the main subtitles



연출: 이성재 감독

제작: 영화사 김치

배급: 씨네그루(주)키다리이엔티

출연: 박인환 , 신구 , 임현식


Directed by LEE Sung-jae

Produced by Kimchi Films

Presented by Cine Gru Kidari ENT

Starring: PARK In-hwan, SHIN Ku, LIM Hyun-shik

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

Little Forest

리틀 포레스트

연출: 임순례 감독

제작: 영화사 수박

배급: 메가박스 플러스엠

출연: 김태리, 류준열, 문소리

Little Forest

Directed by LIM Soon-rye

Produced by Watermelon Films

Presented by Megabox Plus M

Starring: KIM Tae-ri, RYU Joon-yeol, MOON So-ri

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

당신과 함께 한 시간(가제)

제작: 워너 브라더스

My Time With You

Produced by Warner Brothers

Translated the screenplay

Human, Space, Time and Human

인간,공간,시간 그리고 인간

연출: 김기덕 감독

출연: 후지이 미나, 장근석, 안성기

Human, Space, Time and Human

Directed by Kim Ki-duk

Starring: Mina Fujii, Jang Keun-suk, Ahn Sung-ki

Translated the main subtitles

What A Man Wants


연출: 이병헌 감독

제작: 하이브미디어코프

배급: NEW

출연: 이성민, 신하균, 송지효, 이엘

What A Man Wants

Directed by LEE Byung-hyun

Produced by Hive Media Corp

Presented by NEW

Starring: KIM LEE Sung-min, SHIN Ha-kyun, SONG Ji-hyo, LEE El

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

Be With You

지금 만나러 갑니다

연출: 이장훈 감독

제작: 무비락

배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트

출연: 소지섭 , 손예진 , 김지환

Be With You

Directed by LEE Jang-hoon

Produced by Movie Rock

Presented by Lotte Entertainments

Starring: SOH Ji-sup, SOHN Ye-jin, KIM Jee-hwan

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

Student A


연출: 이경섭 감독

제작: 영화사 울림

배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트

출연: 김환희, 수호

Student A

Directed by LEE Kyung-sup

Produced by Ulim Films

Presented by Lotte Entertainments

Starring: KIM Hwan-hee, SOO Ho

Release: 2018.06.20

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

Bad Boss

나쁜 상사

연출: 백종석 감독

제작: 넥스토리

배급: 넥스토리

Bad Boss

Directed by BAEK Jong-suk

Produced by Nextory

Presented by Nextory

Release: 2018.08.07

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

The Whispering


연출: 최상훈 감독

제작: 파이브데이

배급: 그노스

출연: 소주연 , 김민규 , 최희진

The Whipsering

Directed by CHOI Sang-hoon

Produced by Five Day

Presented by Gnos

Starring: SO Joo-yeon, KIM Min-kyu, CHOI Hee-jin

Release: 2018.07.13

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits



연출: 민규동 감독

제작: 수필름

배급: NEW

출연: 김희애, 김해숙


Directed by MIN Kyu-dong

Produced by Soo Films

Presented by NEW

Starring: KIM Hee-ae, KIM Hae-sook

Release: 2018.06.27

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

0.0 MHz

0.0 MHz

연출: 유선동 감독

제작: 몬스터팩토리, 제이엠컬쳐스

제공: 스마일이엔티

출연: 정은지, 성열

0.0 MHz

Directed by YOO Sun-dong

Produced by Monster Factory, JM Cultures

Presented by Smile ENT

Starring: CHUNG Eun-ji, SUNG Yol

Translated the main subtitles



연출: 박희곤 감독

제작: 주피터 필름

제공: 메가박스 플러스엠

출연: 조승우, 지성, 김성균

Feng Shui

Directed by PARK Hee-gon

Produced by Jupiter Film

Presented by Megabox Plus M

Starring: CHO Sung-woo, JI Sung, KIM Sung-kyun

Release: 2018.09.19

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits



연출: 엄유나 감독

제작: 더 램프

출연: 윤계상, 유해진


Directed by UM Yu-na

Produced by The Lamp

Starring: YOON Kye-sang, YOO Hae-jin

Release: 2019

Translated the synopsis.

Happy  Together


김정환 감독

제작: 골든스토리픽처스

배급: 세미콜론스튜디오

출연: 박성웅, 송새벽, 최로운

Happy Together

Directed by KIM Jung-hwan

Produced by Golden Story Pictures

Presented by Semicolon Studio

Starring: PARK Sung-woong, SONG Sae-byuk, CHOI Ro-woon

Release: 2018.11.15

Translated the main subtitles.

별정원사와 플루토

Astro Gardner

Release: 2018

Translated the main subtitles.


The King

더 킹

연출:한재림 감독

제작: 우주필름

배급: NEW

출연: 조인성, 정우성

The King

Directed by HAN Jae-rim

Produced by Woojoo Films

Presented by NEW

Starring: CHO In-sung, JUNG Woo-sung

Release: 2017.01.18

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

Lucid Dream

루시드 드림

연출:김준성 감독

제작: 로드 픽쳐스

배급: NEW

출연: 고수, 설경구

Lucid Dream

Directed by KIM Joon-sung

Produced by Road Pictures

Presented by NEW

Starring: KO Soo, SUL Kyoung-koo

Release: 2017.02.22

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

Resurrected Victims


연출:곽경택 감독

제작: 영화사 신세계

배급: 쇼박스

출연: 김래원, 김해숙

RV: Resurrected Victims

Directed by KWAK Kyung-taek

Produced by Shinsegye Films

Presented by Show Box

Starring: KIM Rae-won, KIM Hae-sook

Release: 2017.10.12

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

The Chase

반드시 잡는다

연출:김흥선 감독

제작: AD406, 씨네주

배급: NEW

출연: 백윤식, 성동일

The Chase

Directed by KIM Hong-sun

Produced by AD406, Cine Joo

Presented by NEW

Starring: BAEK Yoon-shik, SUNG Dong-il

Release: 2017.11.29

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

The Artist: Reborn

아티스트:다시 태어나다

연출:김경원 감독

제작: 영화사 소요, 백그림

배급: 콘텐츠판다

출연: 류현경, 박정민, 문종원

The Artist: Reborn

Directed by KIM Kyung-won

Produced by Soyo Films, Paekgrim

Presented by Contents Panda

Starring: RYU Hyun-kyoung, PARK Jung-min, MOON Jong-won

Release: 2017.03.09

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

The Emperor


연출:민병훈, 이상훈 감독

2017 부산국제영화제

출연: 김선욱, 서장원, 홍이주

The Emperor

Directed by KIM Kyung-won

2017 Busan International Film Festival

Starring: KIM Sun-wook, SEO Jang-won, HONG Ijoo

Translated the main subtitles

The Sheriff in Town


연출:김형주 감독

제작:사나이픽처스, 영화사 월광

배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트

출연: 이성민, 조진웅, 김성균

The Sheriff in Town

Directed by KIM Hyung-joo

Produced by Sanai Pictures, Wolkwang Films

Presented by Lotte Entertainment

Starring: LEE Sung-min, CHO Jin-woong, KIM Sung-kyun

Release: 2017.05.03

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits



연출: 이주형 감독

제작: 김기덕 필름

배급: 김기덕 필름

출연: 엄태웅, 김경익, 심완


Directed by LEE Joo-hyung

Produced by KIM Kiduk Films

Presented by KIM Kiduk Films

Starring: EUM Tae-woong, KIM Kyung-ik, SHIM Wan

Release: 2017.02.27

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

A Day


연출: 조선호 감독

제작: 라인필름

배급: CGV 아트하우스

출연: 김명민, 변요한, 유재명

A Day

Directed by CHO Sun-ho

Produced by Line Films

Presented by CGV Art House

Starring: KIM Myung-min, BYUN Yo-han, YOO Jae-myung

Release: 2017.06.15

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

Man of Will

파워배틀 와치카: 와치가면의 역습

연출: 이영준 감독

제작: 삼지애니메이션

배급: 삼지애니메이션

출연: 엄상현, 전태열

Power Battle Wachika

Directed by CHO Sun-ho

Produced by Line Films

Presented by CGV Art House

Starring: KIM Myung-min, BYUN Yo-han, YOO Jae-myung

Release: 2017.06.15

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

Man of Will

대장 김창수

연출: 이원태 감독

제작: 원탁, 비에이엔터테인먼트, 무비스퀘어

배급: 씨네그루 키다리이엔티

출연: 조진웅, 송승헌

Man of Will

Directed by LEE Won-tae

Produced by WONTAK, BAT Entertainment, Movie Square

Presented by Cinegru Kidari ENT

Starring: CHO Jin-woong, SONG Sung-heun

Release: 2017.10.19

Translated the main subtitles, trailer, and press kits

Bad Cop

악질 경찰

연출: 이정범 감독

제작: 워너브라더스

출연: 이선균, 이유영, 박해준

Bad Cop

Directed by LEE Jung-bum

Produced by Warner Brothers

Starring: LEE Sun-kyun, LEE Yoo-young, PARK Hae-joon

Release: 2019

Translated the screenplays





연출: 박흥식 감독 Directed by PARK Hung-sik

제작: 티피에스 컴퍼니

Produced by TPS Company
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by LOTTE ENTERTAINMENTS
출연: 이병헌,전도연,김고은 Starring: LEE Byung-hun, CHUN Doh-yon, KIM Ko-eun

Release: 2014

Translated the synopsis.

연출: 이용승 감독 Directed by LEE Yong-sung


Produced by
배급: Presented by
출연: 백종환, 김종구 Starring:PAEK Jong-hwan, KIM Jong-koo

Release: 2013

Translated the synopsis and press kits for Berlin Film Festival. 시놉시스, 보도자료 번역

연출: 성시흡 감독 Directed by SEONG Shi-hup

제작: ㈜영화사 일취월장

Produced by TPS Company
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by LOTTE ENTERTAINMENTS
출연: 정재영, 한지민 Starring: CHUNG Jae-young, HAHN Jee-min

Release: 2012

Translated the trailer subtitles.

연출: 이연우 감독 Directed by LEE Yon-woo

제작: 담소필름

Produced by DAMSO Films
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by LOTTE ENTERTAINMENTS
출연: 박보영, 이종석 Starring: PARK Bo-Young, LEE Jong-suk

Release: 2014

Translated the trailer subtitles.

연출: 이석훈 감독 Directed by LEE Suk-hoon

제작: 하리마오 픽쳐스

Produced by HARIMAO Pictures
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by LOTTE ENTERTAINMENTS
출연: 김남길,손예진,유해진 Starring: KIM Nam-kil, SOHN Ye-jin, RYU Hae-jin

Release: 2014

시놉시스 번역 Translated the synopsis.


연출: 곽경택 감독 Directed by LEE Jae-kyu

제작: 트리니티 엔터테인먼트

Produced by CHOICE CUT
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by LOTTE ENTERTAINMENTS
출연: 유오성, 주진모 Starring: HYUN Bin, CHUNG Jae-young, and CHO Jung-suk

Release: 2013.11.14

Translated the press kits, trailers subtitles, the main subtitles. 본편자막, 예고편 자막, 보도자료 등

연출: 조용선 감독 Directed by CHO Yong-sun

제작: 영화사 수

Produced by SOO FILMS
배급: 나이너스 엔터테인먼트 Presented by NINERS ENTERTAINMENTS
출연: 서인국, 이종석 Starring: SUH In-kook, LEE Jong-suk

Release: 2013.10.30

대본 번역, 본편 자막, 보도자료 Translated the screenplays, the main subtitles and press kits.

연출: 이준익 감독 Directed by LEE Joon-ik

제작: 필름모멘텀

Produced by Film Momentum
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by LOTTE ENTERTAINMENTS
출연: 설경구,엄지원, 이레 Starring: SUL Kyeong-koo, UM Jee-won, LEE Re

Release: 2013.10.2

Translated the synopsis, official brochure, poster, press kits,and the main subtitles: 시놉시스, 전단, 예고편, 포스트 문구 , 본편 자막 번역

연출: 이수진 감독 Directed by LEE Soo-jin

제작: 리공동체 영화사

Produced by LEE Community Films
배급: CGV 무비꼴라쥬 Presented by CGV Movie Collage
출연: 천우희, 정인선 Starring:CHUN Woo-hee, CHUNG In -sun

Release: 2014

Translated the main subtitles: 본편 자막 번역

연출: 문시현 감독 Directed by MOON Shi-hyun

제작: 김기덕 필름

Produced by KIMKIDUK Films
배급: Presented by
출연: 이은우, 전수진 Starring: LEE Eun-woo, CHUN Soo-jin

Release: 2013

Translated the main subtitles : 본편 자막 번역

연출: 표민수 감독 Directed by PYO Min-soo

제작: KBS

Produced by KBS
배급: 태원 엔터테인먼트 Presented by TAEWON Entertainment
출연: 장혁, 이다해 Starring: JANG Hyuk, LEE Dae-hae

Release: 2013

Translated the main subtitles 본편 자막 번역

연출: 김성수 감독 Directed by KIM Sung-soo

제작: 롯데엔터테인먼트

배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by LOTTE ENTERTAINMENTS
출연: 니시지마 히데토시, 김효진 Starring: HYUN Bin, CHUNG Jae-young, and CHO Jung-suk

Release: 2013

Translated screenplays, and the main subtitles.

연출: 남택수 감독 Directed by NAM Taek-soo

제작: 홍필름

Produced by HONG Films
배급: 나이너스 엔터테인먼트 Presented by NINERS ENTERTAINMENTS
출연: 이홍기,마동석,백진희 Starring: LEE Hong-ki, MA Dong-suk, PAEK Jin-hee

Release: 2013.5.30

Translated the press kits and the main subtitles: 보도자료, 본편자막

연출: 이재규 감독 Directed by LEE Jae-kyu

제작: 쵸이스컷

Produced by CHOICE CUT
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by LOTTE ENTERTAINMENTS
출연: 현빈, 정재영, 조정석 Starring: HYUN Bin, CHUNG Jae-young, and CHO Jung-suk

Release: 2013

Translated the press kits

연출: 이종필 감독 Directed by LEE Jong-pil

제작: 인앤인 픽쳐스

Produced by INANDIN Pictures
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by Lotte Entertainments
출연: 김인권, 류현경, 김수미 Starring: KIM In-kwon, RYU Hyun-kyoung, KIM Soo-mi

Release: 2013.5.1

Translated the trailer subtitles, the main film subtitles and press kits: 본편자막, 예고편자막, 보도자료

연출: 박훈정 감독 Directed by LEE Hwan-kyoung

제작: 사나이픽쳐스

Produced by Fine Works
배급: N.E.W Presented by N.E.W
출연: 이정재,최민식,황정민 Starring: RYU Sung-yong, GAHL So-won, OH Dal-soo

Release: 2013.2.21

Translated the making documentary, photo booklet: 메이킹 다큐, 포토 예고편 번역

연출: 이환경 감독 Directed by LEE Hwan-kyoung

제작: 화인웍스

Produced by Fine Works
배급: N.E.W Presented by N.E.W
출연: 류승용,갈소원,오달수 Starring: RYU Sung-yong, GAHL So-won, OH Dal-soo

Release: 2013.01.23

Translated the synopsis, the trailer subtitles, the main film subtitles and production note: 본편자막, 예고편자막, 시놉시스, Production Note 번역

연출: 노덕 감독 Directed by RHO Duk

제작: 뱅가드 스튜디오

Produced by Vanguard Studio
배급: 롯데 엔터테인먼트 Presented by Lotte Entertainment
출연: 이민기, 김민희 Starring: LEE Min-ki, KIM Min-hee
Release: 2013.3.21
Translated the synopsis, the trailer subtitles, press kits, poster copies and main film subtitles : 시놉시스, 예고편자막, 보도자료, 본편자막, 포스터 카피 번역
our sunhi
연출: 홍상수 감독 Directed by HONG Sang-soo

제작: 영화제작 전원사

Produced by
배급: 영화제작 전원사 Presented by
출연: 이선균,정유미,정재영 Starring:

Release: 2013-09-12

시놉시스, 본편자막 Translated the synopsis and the main subtitles.

red family
연출: 이주형 감독 Directed by LEE Joo-Hyoung

제작: 김기덕 필름

Produced by KIM KIDUK Films
배급: 김기덕 필름 Presented by KIM KIDUK FILMS
출연: 김유미, 정우, 손병호 Starring: KIM Yu-mi, JUNG Woo, SOHN Byung-ho

Release: 2013.11.06

시놉시스, 본편자막 Translated the synopsis and the main subtitles.

연출: 임순례 감독 Directed by LIM Soon-rye

제작: 영화사 거미

Produced by GUMI FILMS
배급: 롯데 엔터테인먼트 Presented by Lotte Entertainments
출연: 김윤석, 오연수 Starring: KIM Yoon-suk, OH Youn-soo

Release: 2013.2.26

시놉시스, 예고편 자막, 본편자막 Translated the synopsis, the trailers subtitles, and the main subtitles.

연출: 김병우 Directed by KIM Byung-woo

제작: 씨네2000

Produced by CINE2000
배급:롯데 엔터테인먼트 Presented by Lotte Entertainments
출연: 하정우, 이경영 Starring: HA Jung-woo, LEE Kyoung-woo


시나리오, 본편자막, 보도자료, 프로모영상 번역 Translated the screenplays, the main subbitles, trailer subtitles and press kits.

연출: 장진 감독 Directed by JANG Jin

제작: 장차앤코

배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by Lotte Entertainments
출연: 차승원,이솜 Starring: CHA Sung-won, LEE Som


작품정보 보도자료 Translated press kits and film information materials

연출: 김기덕 감독 Directed by KIM Ki-duk

제작: 김기덕 필름

Produced by KIMKIDUK Films
배급: N.E.W Presented by N.E.W
출연: 조민수, 이정진 Starring: CHO Min-soo, LEE Jung-jin


DVD 서플먼트 감독-주연배우 코멘터리: Translated DVD supplements

연출: 홍상수 감독 Directed by

제작: 영화사 전원사

Produced by
배급: 영화사 전원사 Presented by
출연: 정은채, 이선균 Starring:

Release: 2013. 2.28

시놉시스, 보도자료, 본편자막



연출: 김기덕 감독 Directed by KIM Ki-duk

제작: 김기덕 필름

Produced by KIMKIDUK Films
배급: N.E.W Presented by N.E.W
출연:조민수,이정진 Starring: CHO Min-soo, LEE Jung-jin

Release: 2012.9.16

Translated the main subtitles, press kits for 2012 Venice Film Festival 본편자막, 2012 베니스 영화제용 보도자료 번역

Won Golden Lion in 69th Venice International Film Festival. 69회 베니스 영화제 황금사자상 수상


연출: 정기훈 감독 Directed by JUNG Ki-hoon

제작: 영화사 오름

Produced by Film Orm
배급: N.E.W Presented by N.E.W
출연: 고수, 한효주 Starring: KOH Soo, HAHN Hyo-joo

Release: 2012.12.19

Translated promotion films, the main subtitles and DVD supplements: 프로모션 영상, DVD 확장판(2013)

연출: 김진영 감독 Directed by KIM Jin-young

제작: 전망좋은 영화사

Produced by Junmangjoeun Films
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by Lotte Entertainment
출연: 박하선, 윤상현, 박철민 Starring: PARK Ha-sun, YOON Sang-hyun, PARK Chul-min

Release: 2012.11.29

Translated the synopsis. 시놉시스 번역.

연출: 배형준 감독 Directed by YOOK Sang-hyo

제작:노마드 필름

Produced by Space M
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by Lotte Entertainment
출연: 송지효, 김재중 Starring: KIM In-kwon, YOO Da-in

Release: 2012.11.15

Translated the synopsis , trailer subtitles and main film subtitles: 시놉, 예고편, 본편자막 번역

연출: 육상효 감독 Directed by YOOK Sang-hyo

제작: 스페이스M

Produced by Space M
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by Lotte Entertainment
출연: 김인권, 유다인 Starring: KIM In-kwon, YOO Da-in

Release: 2012.10.25

Translated the synopsis. 시놉시스 번역

연출:신정원 감독 Directed by SHIN Jung-won

제작: 사람엔터테인먼트

Produced by Saram Entertainment
배급: 넥스트 엔터테인먼트 Presented by N.E.W.
출연: 김수로, 강예원, 이제훈 Starring: MOON So-ri, YOU Sung-ho, CHOI Min-sik, PARK Chul-min

Release: 2012.10.3

Translated the main subtitles . 본편 자막

연출: Directed by SHIN Terra


Produced by Myung Films
배급: Presented by Lotte Entertainment
출연: Starring: MOON So-ri, YOU Sung-ho, CHOI Min-sik, PARK Chul-min


Translated the screenplay. 대본 번역

연출: 김성수 감독 Directed by KIM Sung-soo

제작: 아폴론시네마

Produced by Apolon Cinema
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by Lotte Entertainment
출연: 니시지마 히데토시, 김효진 Starring: Nishijima Hidetoshi, KIM Hyo-jin

Release: 2013

Translated the production plan. 제작기획서 번역

연출: 우민호 감독 Directed by WOO Min-ho

제작: 영화사 울림

Produced by ULIM Pictures
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by Lotte Entertainment
출연: 김명민, 유해진, 염정아 Starring: KIM Myung-min, YOO Hae-jin, YUM Jung-ah

Release: 2012.9.20

Translated the main subtitles and press kits. 본편 자막 및 영문 보도자료

연출: 봉만대 감독 Directed by BONG Man-dae

제작: 스넵쏘울

Produced by Snap Soul
배급: 스넵쏘울 Presented by Snap Soul
출연: 고수희, 이무생 Starring: KOH Soo-hee, LEE Moo-saeng

Release: 2012.7.12

Translated the main subtitles. 본편자막

연출: 표민수, 김태훈감독 Directed by PYO Min-soo, KIM Tae-hoon

제작: 태원 엔터테인먼트

Produced by TAEWON Entertainment
방영: KBS2 KBS2
출연: 장혁, 이다혜, 이범수 Starring: JANG Hyuk, LEE Dae-hye, LEE Bum-soo

Release: 2013.02.13

Translated synopsis. 시놉시스 번역

연출: 문시현 감독 Directed by MOON Shi-hyun

제작: 김기덕필름

Produced by Kimkiduck Films
배급: Presented by
출연: 이은우 Starring: LEE Eun-woo

Release: 2011.7.28      iBOOK Launch: 2012.June

Translating materials for Apple iBOOK pages. 애플 아이북 론칭을 위한 나래이션 등의 자료 번역 (한영)

연출: 신동엽 감독 Directed by SHIN Dong-yup

제작: 엔브릭스게임

Produced by NBrix Game
배급: 마인스 엔터테인먼트 Presented by Mines Entertainment
출연: 김민준, 곽지민 Starring: KIM Min-joon, KWAK Jee-min

Release: 2012.9.6     

Translated the main subtitles and press kits. 본편 자막 및 영문 보도자료

연출: 박철관 감독 Directed by PARK Chul-kwan

제작: 영화사 도로시

Produced by Film Dorothy
배급: 넥스트 엔터테인먼트 Presented by N.E.W.
출연: 고현정, 유해진, 성동일 Starring: KOH Hyun-jung, YOO Hae-jin, SUNG Dong-il

Release: 2012. 6.12

Translated the Main Subtitles, Trailer Subtitiles , Press Kits & Marketing Materials 본편자막, 예고편 자막, 보도자료, 마케팅 자료 번역

연출: 이사무엘 감독 Directed by LEE Samuel

제작: KAFA Films

Produced by KAFA Films
배급: CJ엔터테인먼트 Presented by CJ Entertainment
출연: 김태훈, 지우 Starring: KIM Tae-hoon, JEE woo

Release: 2013.3.14

Translated the main subtitles. 본편 자막

연출: 노진수 감독 Directed by


Produced by
배급: Presented by
출연:김민기,손병호, 한보배 Starring: KIM Min-ki, SOHN Byung-ho, HAHN Bo-bae

Release: 2013

Translated the main subtitles. 본편 자막

연출: 오성윤 감독 Directed by OH Sung-yoon

제작: 명필름

Produced by Myung Films
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by Lotte Entertainment
출연(목소리):문소리, 유승호, 최민식, 박철민 Starring: MOON So-ri, YOU Sung-ho, CHOI Min-sik, PARK Chul-min

Release: 2011.7.28      iBOOK Launch: 2012.June

Translated materials for Apple iBOOK pages. 애플 아이북 론칭을 위한 나래이션 등의 자료 번역 (한영)

연출: 신태라 감독 Directed by SHIN Terra

제작: 영화사 홍

Produced by Hong Films
배급: CJ엔터테인먼트 Presented by CJ Entertainment
출연:강지환,성유리,이수혁 Starring: KANG Ji-hwan, SUNG Yoo-ri, LEE Soo-hyuk

Release: 2012. 05.31

Translated the Main Subtitles, Trailer Subtitiles , Press Kits & Marketing Materials 본편자막, 예고편 자막, 보도자료, 마케팅 자료 번역

연출: 이용주 감독 Directed by LEE Yong-joo

제작: 명필름

Produced by MYONG Films
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by Lotte Entertainment
출연: 엄태웅,한가인,이제훈,배수지 Starring: UM Tae-woong, HAHN Ka-in, LEE Je-hoon, BAE Soo-ji

Release: 2012.03.22

Translated the Main Subtitles, Trailer Subtitiles , Press Kits & Marketing Materials 본편자막, 예고편 자막, 보도자료, 마케팅 자료 번역

연출: 김대승 감독 Directed by KIM Dae-sung


배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by Lotte Entertainment
출연:조여정,김동욱,김민준 Starring: CHO Yeo-jung, KIM Dong-wook, KIM Min-joon

Release: 2012.06.06

Translated the synopsis, the screenplay, tailer subtitles, press kits & marketing materials 시놉시스, 시나리오, 예고편자막, 보도자료, 마케팅 자료 번역

연출: 전규환 감독 Directed by JUN Kyu-hwan


Produced by
배급: 화인컷 Presented by Fine Cut
출연:조재현,안지혜,박지아 Starring: CHO Jae-hyun, AHN Ji-hye, PARK Ji-ah

Release: 2012

Translated the main subtitiles 본편자막 번역

연출: 장규성 감독 Directed by CHANG Kyu-sung

제작: 데이지엔터테인먼트

Produced by Daisy Entertainment
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by Lotte Entertainment
출연:주지훈,백윤식,김수로 Starring: JOO Ji-hoon, BAEK Yoon-shik, KIM Soo-roh

Release: 2012.08

Translated the press kits & marketing materials 보도자료, 마케팅자료 번역


VISA Olympic 응원 페이스북 어플 "VISA: GO, World" 번역 (영한)



아모레 퍼시픽 Sienna Miller 광고용 인터뷰 영상 자막번역 (영한, 한영)

연출: 김홍선 감독 Directed by KIM Hong-sun

제작: 키노아이, 영화사 채움

Produced by KINOEYE, CHAEUM Films
배급: 타임스토리 Presented by TIME STORY
출연:임창정,최다니엘,오달수 Starring: LIM Chang-jung, CHOI Daniel, OH Dahl-soo

Release: 2012

Translated the main subtitles 본편자막번역

연출: 변성현 감독 Directed by BYUN Sung-hyun

제작: 다세포클럽

Produced by DASEPO CLUB
배급: 두타연 Presented by DOOTAYON Inc.
출연:봉태규,이영훈,곽지민 Starring: BONG Tae-kyu, LEE Young-hoon, KWAK Jee-min

Release: 2012.3.15

Translated the main subtitles 본편자막번역

연출: 전계수 감독 Directed by JUN Gye-soo

제작: 삼거리픽쳐스

Produced by SAMGURI Pictures
배급: NEW Presented by NEW
출연: 하정우,공효진 Starring: HA Jung-woo, KONG Hyo-jin

Release: 2012.2.29

Translated the Main Subtitles, Trailer Subtitiles , Press Kits & Marketing Materials 본편자막, 예고편 자막, 보도자료, 마케팅 자료 번역

연출: 박희곤 감독 Directed by KANG Je-kyu

제작: 밀리언스토리,다세포클럽

Produced by Million Stories, Dasepo Club
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by Lotte Entertainment
출연:조승우,양동근,최정원 Starring: CHO Seung-woo, YANG Dong-keun, CHOI Jung-won

Release: 2011.12.21

Translated the Main Subtitles, Trailer Subtitiles , Press Kits & Marketing Materials 본편자막, 예고편 자막, 보도자료, 마케팅 자료 번역

연출: 윤성현 감독 Directed by YOON Sung-hyun

제작: KAFA Films

Produced by KAFA Films
배급: CJ엔터테인먼트 Presented by CJ Entertainment
출연:이제훈, 서준영, 박정민, 조성하 Starring: LEE Je-hoon, SEO joon-young, PARK Jung-min, CHO Sung-ha

Release: 2011.03.03

Translated the DVD Supplements DVD서플먼트 번역


연출: 강제규 감독 Directed by KANG Je-kyu

제작: 디렉터스

Produced by DIRECTORS
배급: SK텔레콤, CJ엔터테인먼트 Presented by SK Telecom, CJ Entertainment
출연:장동건,오다기리 조, 판빙빙 Starring: JANG Dong-kun, Odakiri JO, PAN Bingbing


Translated the screenplays, the Main Subtitles, Trailer Subtitiles , Press Kits & Marketing Materials 시나리오, 본편자막, 예고편 자막, 보도자료, 마케팅 자료 번역

연출:황병국 감독 Directed by HWANG Byung-gook

제작: 영화사 수박

Produced by "SOOBAK Films"
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by Lotte Entertainments
출연: 엄태웅,주원,정진영 Starring: UM Tae-woong, JOO Won, CHUNG Jin-young

Release: 2011-11-24

Translated the Screenplays

연출: 황동혁 감독 Directed by HWANG, Dong-hyuk
제작: 삼거리픽쳐스 Produced by SAMGURI Pictures
배급: CJ 엔터테인먼트 Presented by " CJ Entertainment"
출연: 공유, 정유미 Starring : KONG Yoo, CHUNG Yoo-mi

Translated the main subtitles. Translated the press kits.

Released: 2011.9.22

연출: 이정향 감독 Directed by LEE Jung-hyang
제작: 포시즌스카이컴퍼니 Produced by "Four Season Sky Company"
배급: 롯데 엔터테인먼트 Presented by " Lotte Entertainment"
출연: 송혜교, 송창의, 남지현 Starring :SONG Hye-kyo, SONG Chang-eui, NAM Ji-hyun

Translated the main subtitles and the Press Kits

Release: 2011. 10.27

연출: 황인호 감독 Directed by HWANG In-ho
제작: 상상필름(주) Produced by "SANGSANG Films"
배급: CJ엔터테인먼트 Presented by "CJ Entertainments"
출연: 손예진,이민기 Starring :SOHN Ye-jin, LEE Min-ki

Translating the main subtitles,the trailer subtitles and the Press Kits

Release: 2011. 제작중



연출: 허종호 감독 Directed by HUR Jong-ho
제작: 영화사 봄 Produced by "BOM"
배급: NEW Presented by "NEW"
출연: 정재영, 전도연 Starring : CHUNG Jae-young, CHUN Do-yon

Translated the main subtitles. Translated the press kits.

Released: 2011.9.29

연출: 곽경택 감독 Directed by KWAK Kyoung-taek
제작: 영화사 축제 Produced by "COOKJE Film"
배급: 롯데 엔터테인먼트 Presented by "Lotte Entertainment"
출연: 권상우,정려원,마동석 Starring : KWON Sang-woo, JUNG Ryo-won

Translated the main subtitles. Translated the press kits.

Released: 2011.9.7

 the kick
연출: Prachya Pinkaew Directed by 프라챠 핀카엡
제작: 더킥컴퍼니 Produced by "The Kick Company"
배급: 쇼박스(주)미디어플렉스 Presented by "Show Box Media Plex"
출연: 조재현,나태주,예지원,지자 야닌 Starring : CHO Jae-hyun, NA Tae-joo, YE Ji-won, Yanin Vismitananda

Translated the main subtitles. Translated the press kits.

Release: 2011. 11.3

 가문의 영광4
연출: 정태원 감독 Directed by JUNG Tae-won
제작: 태원 엔터테인먼트 Produced by TAEWON Entertainment
배급: NEW Presented by "NEW"
출연: 김수미,신현준,탁재훈 Starring : KIM Soo-mi, SHIN Hyun-joon, TAK Jae-hoon

Translated the main subtitles. Translated the press kits.

Released: 2011.9.7

 고양이 포스터
연출: 변승욱 Directed by BYUN Sung-wook
제작: 파인하우스 필름  
배급: 넥스트 엔트테인먼트 월드(NEW) Presented by "Next Entertainment World"
출연: 박민영,김동욱,김예론 Starring :PARK Min-young, KIM Dong-wook, KIM Ye-ron

Translated the main subtitles. Translated the press kits.

Release: 2011.7.7

blind poster
연출: 안상훈 Directed by AHN Sang-hoon
배급: 넥스트 엔트테인먼트 월드(NEW) Presented by "Next Entertainment World"
출연: 김하늘, 유승호 Starring :KIM Ha-nul, YOO Sung-ho

Translated the main subtitles. Translated the press kits.

Release: 2011.8.11


김기덕 감독
연출: 김기덕 Directed by KIM Ki-duk
해외배급: 파인컷 Presented by FINECUT
출연: 김기덕 Starring :KIM Ki-duk

Translated the main subtitles. Translated the press kits.

Won "Prize of Un Certain Regard Ex-aequo" in Canne Film Festival 2011: 2011년 깐느 영화제 [주목할 만한 시선상] 수상


Hong Sang Soo
연출: 홍상수 Directed by HONG Sang-Soo
해외배급: 파인컷 Presented by FINECUT
출연: 유준상, 송선미 Starring : YOO Joon-sang, SONG Sun-mi

Translated the press kits.

Invited to Canne Film Festival 2011.


위험한 상견례


연출: 김준영 Directed by KIM Joon-young
제작: 전망좋은 영화사  
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트  
출연: 송새벽, 이시영, 백윤식  
Translated the main subtitles,trailer, and press kits.

Released 2010.12.22.

Translated and wrote english commercial copies of " Sulwhasoo: 설화수"
"LANEIGE: 라네즈"
"HERA: 헤라"




연출: 김명준 Directed by KIM Myong-joon
극본: 김현준 Screenplay by KIM Hyun-joon
SBS 방영 Aired by SBS
출연: 정우성,차승원,수애,이지아 Starring : CHUNG Woo-sung, CHA Sung-won, SOO Ae , LEE Jee-ah

Translated the screenplays for foreign staffs. Translated English Lines.
해외로케용 영문대본 번역, 영문대사 번역

연출: 강제규 감독 Directed by KANG Je-kyu
Translated the screenplay.(English to Korean)
Translated the screenplay.
연출: 김영탁 감독 Directed by KIM Young-tak
제작: 워터엔트리, N.E.W. Produced by Waterentry , N.E.W
배급: 화인컷, N.E.W. Presented by Finecut, N.E.W.
출연: 차태현, 강예원 Starring: CHA Tae-hyun, KANG Ye-won

Translated the main subtitles,trailer, press kits and brochures.

Released 2010.12.22.

Translated the screenplay.
연출:김현석 감독 Directed by KIM Hyun-suk
제작: 명필름 Produced by MYONG FILM
제공: 롯데 엔터테인먼트 Presented by Lotte Entertainment
출연: 엄태웅,이민정,최다니엘 Starring: UM Tae-woong, LEE Min-jung, CHOI Daniel

Translated the main film subtitles, trailers, press kits.

Released 2010.9.16

제공: 싸이더스 FHN Presented by Sidus FHN.
출연: 정재영, 민 Starring: CHUNG Jae-young, MIN
Translated the screenplay.
연출: 김지운 감독 Directed by KIM JEE-WOON

제작: 페퍼민트 문화산업, 씨즈 엔터테인먼트

Produced by
배급: 쇼박스 미디어플렉스 Presented by
출연: 최민식, 이병헌 Starring: CHOI Min-sik, LEE Byung-hyun

Translated marketing materials for Canne Promotion. Translated the main film subtitles.

(Release: 2010.8.12)

연출: 강우석 감독 Directed by KANG Woo-suk

제작: 시네마서비스,렛츠필름,KnJ 엔터테인먼트

Produced by "Cinema Service"," Let's Film" and "KnJ Entertainment"
배급: CJ 엔터테인먼트 Presented by CJ Entertainment

출연: 정재영, 박해일

Starring: CHUNG Jae-young,

Translated the main film subtitles. 본편 자막 번역

(Release: 2010.7. 15)

연출: 강제규 감독 Directed by KANG Je-kyu

제작: 디렉터스

Produced by DIRECTORS
배급: SK텔레콤, CJ엔터테인먼트 Presented by SK Telecom, CJ Entertainment
출연:장동건,오다기리 조, 판빙빙 Starring: JANG Dong-kun, Odakiri JO, PAN Bingbing

Translated the Screenplay , Press Kits ...

연출: 임상수 감독 Directed by

제작: 싸이더스 FNH

Produced by
배급: CJ창업투자 Presented by
출연: 전도연,이정재,윤여정,서우 Starring:

Main film subtitles and Press Kits. 본편 자막 번역 , 보도자료

(Release: 2010.5.13)


연출: 장철수 감독 Directed by

제작: 필마픽쳐스,토리픽쳐스

Produced by
배급: Presented by
출연: 서영희,지성원,박정학 Starring:

Main film subtitles. 본편 자막 번역

(Release: )

canne 2010 May, "Critics Week"
연출: 이규만 감독 Directed by

제작: 누리픽쳐서

Produced by
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by
출연: 박용우 Starring:

Translated the screenplay.


연출: 강효진 감독 Directed by


Produced by
배급: 롯데쇼핑(주)롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by
출연: 나문희,김수미,김혜옥 Starring:

Main film subtitles. 본편 자막 번역

(Release: 2010.3.18)

연출: Directed by


Produced by
배급: Presented by
출연: Starring:

Translated the screen play.


연출: 이재한 Directed by

제작: 태원엔터테인먼트

Produced by
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by
출연: T.O.P, 차승원, 권상우 Starring:

Translated the main film subtitles and the press kits. 본편 자막 번역 , 보도자료번역

(Release: 2010.6.16)

연출:박훈정 감독 Directed by

제작: 비단길 엔터테인먼트

Produced by
배급: Presented by
출연: 진구,박희순,고창석 Starring:

Translated the screenplay and the main film subtitles. 시나리오번역, 본편 자막 번역

(Release: 2010)


연출: 박건용 감독 Directed by PARK, Kun-yong

제작: RG엔터웍스, CL 엔터테인먼트

Produced by "RG Enterworks", "CL Entertainment"
배급: N.E.W. (넥스트엔터테인먼트월드) Presented by "Next Entertainment World: N.E.W."
출연: 이범수, 조안 Starring: LEE Bum-soo, CHO Ahn

Main film subtitles.

본편 자막 번역

(Release: 2009.7. 1)

연출: 강석범 감독 Directed by KANG Suk-bum

제작: 화이트리 시네마

Produced by "White Lee Cinemea"
배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by "Lotte Entertainment"
출연: 이범수, 김민선 Starring: LEE Bum-soo, KIM Min-sun

The main film subtitles.

본편 자막 번역

(Release: 2009.10.8)

연출: 이종용 감독 Directed by LEE Jong-yong

제작: 씨네2000

Produced by "Cine 2000"
배급: 롯데 엔터테인먼트 Presented by "Lotte Entertainment"
출연: 오연서,장경아,손은서 Starring: CHUNG Jae-young, CHUNG Ryo-won

Translated the screenplay and the main film subtitles.

시나리오 번역, 본편 자막 번역

(Release: 2009.6.18)

연출: 여명준, 홍동명,조은경,김조광수 Directed by Joachim YEO/ JO Eun-kyung/ HONG Dongmyung/ KIM JHO Gwang-soo


Produced by
배급: Presented by

Translated the main film subtitles.

본편 자막 번역 (Release: )

invited to "MIDNIGHT PASSION " in PIFF2009

연출: 권칠인 감독 Directed by KWON Chil-in

제작: 씨네와이즈필름

Produced by "I&COSMOS Cinewisefilm"
배급: M라인 Presented by "M-Line Tribution"
출연: 추자연,정찬,김흥수 Starring:

Translated the main film subtitles.

본편 자막 번역 (Release: 2009.)

연출: Directed by


Produced by ""
배급: Presented by ""
출연: Starring:

Translated the main film subtitles.

본편 자막 번역


PIFF 2009 (Pusan International Film Festivial ) Korean & Enlgish Website & PIFF 2008Official Korean/English Booklet.

English and Korean, Korean to English

2009년,제14회 부산국제영화제 국문-영문 홈페이지, 공식 국문-영문책자. (출품작 영문소개, 국문소개) - 영한, 한영

연출: 주지홍 감독 Directed by JOO Ji-hong


Produced by
배급: Presented by
출연: 성유리,장혁 Starring: SUNG Yu-ri, CHANG Hyuk

Translated the main film subtitles.

본편 자막 번역

(Release: 2009.10.22)

2009 PIFF

연출: 조창호 Director: CHO Chang-ho


출연: 김남길, 황우슬혜 Starring:KIM Nam-gil, HWANGWOO Sul-hee

Translated the main subtitles.
본편자막 번역

연출: 박찬욱 감독 Directed by PARK Chan-wook

제작: 모호필름

Produced by "MOHO Film"
배급: CJ 엔터테인먼트 Presented by "CJ Entertainment"
출연: 송강호,김옥빈,신하균 Starring: SONG Kang-ho, KIM Ok-bin, SHIN Ha-k

Translated screenplay.Translated the Main Film subtitles.Translated the press kits.시나리오 번역 , 본편 자막 번역, 언론보도자료 번역

"Feature Film in Competion"

               & won "the Jury Prize" of the year 2009.

MAY 2008: "Canne Film Market"
Sold out to four Eurpean countries before production .
The film received investment from Universal Pictures.(Release: 2009.4.30)

연출: Ounie LECOMTE Director: Ounie LECOMTE
배급: Fine Cut, Diaphana Presented by : Fine Cut, Diaphana

제작: 나우 필름(한), 글로리아 필름(프)

Produced by Now Film(KOR), Gloria Film(FRA)
프로듀서: 이창동, Laurent LAVOLE Producer: LEE Chang-dong, Laurent LAVOLE
출연: 김새론, 박도연,고아성 Starring: KIM Sae-ron, PARK Do-yeon, KO A-sung

"Out of Competition: Special Screenings"

Translated the Screenplay. Translated the main subtitles.
시나리오 번역, 본편자막 번역

Won Kodak Award in PPP(Pusan Promotion Plan) in October, 2008.

연출: 이해준 감독 Directed by LEE Hae-joon

제작: 반짝반짝 영화사

Produced by "Banzakbanzak Films"
배급: 시네마 서비스 Presented by "Cinema Service"
출연: 정재영,정려원 Starring: CHUNG Jae-young, CHUNG Ryo-won

Translated the screenplay and the main film subtitles.

시나리오 번역, 본편 자막 번역

(Release: 2009.4.30)

연출: 김규태,양윤호 Directed by KIM Kyu-tae, YANG Yoon-ho

제작: 태원 엔터테인먼트

Produced by "TAEWON Entertainment "
배급: 화인커트(영화판) Presented by "FINE CUT "
출연: 이병헌, 김태희, 정준호, 김승우 Starring: LEE Byung-hyun, KIM Tae-hee, CHUNG Joon-ho, KIM Seung-woo

Translated the screenplay of the Episode 1.

1편 대본 번역

(Release: 2009.September)

연출: 신태라 감독 Directed by SHIN Tae-ra

제작: 롯데쇼핑(주)엔터테인먼트

Produced by "Lotte Shopping Entertainment "
배급: 롯데쇼핑(주)엔터테인먼트 Presented by "Lotte Shopping Entertainment"
출연: 김하늘,강지환 Starring: KIM Ha-nul, KANG Ji-hwan

Translated the the main film subtitles.

본편 자막 번역

(Release: 2009.4.22)

연출: 박대민 감독 Directed by PARK Dae-min

제작: CJ 엔터테인먼트

Produced by "CJ Entertainment "
배급: CJ 엔터테인먼트 Presented by "CJ Entertainment "
출연: 황정민,류덕환,엄지원 Starring: HWANG Jung-min, RYU Duk-hwan, EUM Ji-won

Translated the the main film subtitles.

본편 자막 번역

(Release: 2009.4.2)

연출:신정원 감독 Directed by SHIN Jung-won

제작: 영화사 수작

Produced by "SOOJAK"
배급: 빅하우스 벤티지홀딩스 Presented by "BIG HOUSE VANTAGE HOLDINGS "
출연: 엄태웅,장항선 Starring: UM Tae-woong, JANG Hang-sun

Translated the main subtitles

본편자막 번역.

연출: 이상우 감독 Directed by LEE Sang-woo

제작: 노근리 프로덕션

Produced by "NOKUNREE Production "
배급: MK 픽쳐스 Presented by "MK Pictures"
출연: 문성근,김뢰하 Starring: MOON Sung-keun, KIM Roe-ha

Translated the main film subtitles.

본편 자막 번역

연출: 류승완 감독 Directed by RYU Seung-wan


Produced by
배급: Presented by
출연: Starring:

Translated the screenplay.


연출: 원태연 감독 Directed by WON Tae-yon

제작: 코어콘텐츠 미디어

배급: 쇼박스 미디어플렉스 Presented by SHOWBOX Mediaplex
출연: 권상우,이보영,이범수 Starring: KWON Sang-woo, LEE Bo-young, LEE Bum-soo

Translated the main film subtitles.

본편 자막 번역 (Release: 2009.3.11)

연출: 김동원 감독 Directed by KIM Dong-won

제작: 주머니 엔터테인먼트

Produced by ZOOMONEY Entertainment
배급: CJ 엔터테인먼트 Presented by CJ Entertainment
출연: 정준호,정웅인,정운택 Starring: CHUNG Joon-ho, CHUNG Woong-in, CHUNG Woon-taek

Translated the main film subtitles.

본편 자막 번역 (Release: 2009.1.22)

연출: 이송희일 감독 Directed by LEE SONG Hee-il
제작: 청년필름제작 Produced by "CHUNGNYUN Film Production "
해외배급: 파인커트 Presented by "Fine Cut "

Starring : CHO In-sung, JOO Jin-mo, SONG Ji-hyo

Translated the main subtitles 본편 자막 번역

연출: 김한민 감독 Directed by KIM Han-min
제작: 씨네토리, 화인웍스 Produced by "Cinetory" , "Fine Works"
배급: SK텔레콤, 한컴 Presented by "SK Telecom", "Hancom"

Starring : PARK Yong-woo, EUM Tae-woong

Translated the trailer movie. 예고편 자막 번역 (Release: 2009.2.19)

Translated the screenplay and the main subtitles. 대본,본편 자막 번역

대본: 질리안 고필,엘리자베스 쇼튼

Screenplay by Gillian Gorfil & Elizabeth Shorten

감독: 베리 레빈슨 Directed by Barry Levinson
출연: 스칼렛 요한슨 Starring: Scarlet Johansson

Translated the Screenplay. (English to Korean)
대본번역 (영한)

연출: 원신연 감독 Directed by WON Shin-yon
제작: 신씨네,
Produced by "Shincine",
"Robot Taekwon V Ltd."

Translated the Screenplay.

연출: 양윤호 감독 Directed by YANG Yoon-ho
원작: 이현세 Original Story by LEE Hyun-se
제작: Produced by ""
배급: 태원엔터테인먼트 Presented by "Taewon Entertainment"
출연: Starring:

Translated the screenplay. 대본번역


연출: 윤제균 감독 Directed by YOON Jae-kyun
제작: CJ Entertainment Produced by "CJ Entertainment "
배급: CJ Entertainment Presented by "CJ Entertainment "
출연: 하지원,설경규,박중훈 Starring: HA Ji-won, SUL Kyong-kyu, PARK Joong-hoon

Translated PPL. PPL 번역



연출: 강형철 감독 Directed by KANG Hyung-chul
제작: 디씨지플러스 Produced by "DCG PLUS"
배급: 롯데 엔터테인먼트 Presented by "Lotte Entertainment"
출연:차태현, 박보영, 왕석현

Starring : CHA Tae-hyun, PARK Bo-young,
WANG Suk-hyun

Translated Main Subtitle 본편 자막 번역

연출: 유하 감독 Directed by YOO Ha
제작: 필름포에타 Produced by ""
배급: 쇼박스 미디어플렉스 Presented by "Showbox Mediaplex"

Starring : CHO In-sung, JOO Jin-mo, SONG Ji-hyo

Translated Main Subtitle 본편 자막 번역

연출: 정지우 감독 Directed by CHUNG Ji-woo

제작: K&J 엔터테인먼트

Produced by "K&J Entertainment"
배급: CJ 엔터테인먼트 Presented by "CJ Entertainment"
출연: 박해일,김혜수,이한 Starring: PARK Hae-il, KIM Hye-soo, LEE Hahn

Translated the film main subtitles, and press kits.

영화 자막 , 보도자료 번역

연출: 장률 감독 Directed by JANG Ryul
제작: 자이로픽쳐스, 스펀지 Produced by "Xyro Pictures ","Sponge"
배급: 스펀지 Presented by "Sponge"
출연:윤진서,장태웅 Starring: YOON Jin-seo, JANG Tae-woong

Translated Press Kits 보도자료 번역

연출: 박재석 감독 Directed by PARK Jae-suk
제작: 윈엔터테인먼트, 영화사 다물 Produced by "Win Entertainment ", "Damul"
배급: 성원아이컴 Presented by "Sungwon i-com "
출연: 정유석,고은아,채민서 Starring: JUNG Yu-suk, KOH Eun-ah,
CHAE Min-seo

Translated the film main subtitles.
본편 영화 자막 번역


연출: 창감독 감독 Directed by CHANG Gam-dok
제작: 워터엔트리 Produced by "Water Entry "
배급: SK텔레콤주식회사 Presented by "SK Telecom "
출연: 이범수,남규리,윤정희 Starring: LEE Bum-soo, NAM Kyu-ree, YOON Jung-hee

Translated the film main subtitles.
본편 영화 자막 번역


연출: 김지운 감독 Directed by KIM Jee-woon

제작: 영화사 그림

Produced by GURIM
배급: CJ 엔터테인먼트
Presented by "CJ Entertainment" & "Cine Click"
출연: 송강호,이병헌,정우성 Starring: SONG Gang-ho, LEE Byong-hyun, JUNG Woo-sung

Translated the film main subtitles, press kits and trailer movie subtitle.
본편 영화자막 , 언론보도자료, 예고편 자막

Invited to "The 61th Festival de Cannes" as "Official Selection"
Invited to "Panorama"
Won "Best Director" Award

연출: 김유진 감독 Directed by KIM Yu-jin

제작: KnJ엔터테인먼트

Produced by "KnJ Entertainment"
배급: CJ 엔터테인먼트 Presented by "CJ Entertainment"
출연: 정재영,허준호,한은정 Starring: JUNG Jae-young, HUR Joon-ho, HAHN Eun-jung
Translated the film main subtitles, and press kits. 영화 자막 , 보도자료 번역

MAY 2008 "Canne Film Market"

연출: 곽경택, 안권태 감독 Directed by KWAK Kyoung-taek & AHN Kwon-tae

제작: 태원 엔터테인먼트

Produced by "TAEWON Entertainment "

배급: 롯데 엔터테인먼트,

Presented by "Lotte Entertainment" & "TAEWON Entertainment"
출연: 한석규, 차승원 Starring: HAN Suk-kyu, CHA Seung-won

Translated the film main subtitles, and press kits.자막 , 보도자료 번역


연출: 이윤기 감독 Directed by LEE Yoon-ki

제작: 영화사 봄, 스폰지

Produced by "BOM" & "SPONGE"
해외배급: 씨네클릭 Presented by "Cine Click"
출연: 하정우, 전도연 Starring: HA Jung-woo, JUN Doh-yon

Translated film main subtitles, and press kits. 본편영화 자막 , 보도자료 번역

연출: 이경미 감독 Directed by LEE Kyoung-mi

제작: 모호 필름

Produced by "MOHO Film"
배급: Presented by " "
출연: 공효진,이종혁,방은진 Starring: KONG Hyo-jin, LEE Jong-hyuk, BANG Eun-jin

Translated film main subtitles, and press kits.

영화 자막 , 보도자료 번역

연출: 권형진 감독 Directed by KWON Hyoung-jin

제작: 싸이더스FNH

Produced by "Sidus FNH"
배급: 싸이더스FNH Presented by "Sidus FNH"
출연: 유해진, 진구 Starring: YOO Hae-jin, JIN Ku

Translated film main subtitles.

영화 자막

연출: 전수일 감독 Directed by JUN Soo-il

제작: 쇼이스트

Produced by "SHOW EAST"
배급: 쇼이스트 Presented by "SHOW EAST"
출연: 최민식 Starring: CHOI Min-sik

Translated screenplay. Translated film main subtitles.

시나리오, 영화 자막

PIFF 2008 (Pusan International Film Festivial ) Enlgish Website & PIFF 2008 Official English Booklet.

English and Korean

13회 부산국제영화제 영문 홈페이지, 공식 영문책자. (출품작 영문소개, 국문소개)

연출: 김상만 감독 Directed by KIM Sang-man

제작: MK픽쳐스

Produced by "MK Pictures "
해외배급: 롯데엔터테인먼트 Presented by "Lotte Entertainment "
출연: 김선아, 나문희 Starring: KIM Sun-ah, NA Moon-hee

Translated the film main subtitles, and press kits.

영화 자막 , 보도자료 번역

연출: 김해곤 감독 Directed by KIM Hae-gon


Produced by
배급: CJ 엔터테인먼트 Presented by "CJ Entertainment"
출연: 송승헌, 권상우 Starring: SONG Seung-hun, KWON Sang-woo

Translated synopsis. Translated film main subtitles, press kits, and trailer movie subtitles.

시놉시스 번역, 본편 영화자막, 보도자료, 예고편 자막.

연출: 정윤철 감독 Directed by CHUNG Yun-chul

제작: CJ엔터테인먼트

Produced by "CJ Entertainment"
배급: CJ 엔터테인먼트 Presented by "CJ Entertainment"
출연: 전지현, 황정민 Starring: JUN Ji-hyun(Gianna Jun, HWANG Jung-min

Translated screenplay.(With this screenplay, this film was pre-sold and got investment from overseas companies.) Translated film main subtitles, and press kits.

시나리오, 영화 자막 , 보도자료 번역.

연출: 정용기 감독 Directed by CHUNG Yong-ki

제작: 윈엔터테인먼트

Produced by "WIN Entertainment"
배급: 아이엠픽쳐스,
Presented by "IM Pictures", "MIRO VISION"
출연: 박용우, 이보영 Starring: PARK Yong-woo, LEE Bo-young

Translated film main subtitles, and press kits.

영화 자막 , 보도자료 번역.

연출: 이한 감독 Directed by LEE Han

제작: 오죤필름

Produced by "Ozon Film"
배급: 벤티지 홀딩스 Presented by "Vangage Holdings"
출연: 감우성,최강희, Starring: KAM Woo-sung,CHOI Kang-hee

Translated film main subtitles, and press kits.

영화 자막 , 보도자료 번역


연출: 김지훈 감독 Directed by KIM Ji-hoon
제작: 기획시대 Produced by "KIHWAEK SIDAE"
배급: CJ 엔터테인먼트 Presented by "CJ Entertainment"
출연: 안성기,김상경,이요원,,이준기 Starring: AHN Sung-gi, KIM Sang-kyoung, LEE Yo-won, LEE Jun-ki

Translated press kits and film main subtitles.

영화 자막, 보도자료

연출: 김종학 감독 Directed by KIM Jong-hak
출연: 배용준,문소리,이지아 Starring: BAE Yong-joon, MOON So-ri, LEE Jee-Ah
제작: 김종학프로덕션 Produced by "KIM Jong-hak Production"

Translated Screenplays. Translated in production plan meetings.

대본 번역. 기술회의 통역.

연출: 전윤수 감독 Directed by JEON Yoon-soo

원작: 허영만

Original Story by "HEO Young-mahn"

제작: 쇼이스트

Produced by "SHOWEAST"
배급: CJ Entertainment Presented by "CJ Entertainment"
출연: 김강우,임원희,이하나 Starring: KIM Kang-woo, LIM Won-hee, LEE Ha-nah

Translated film main subtitles and press kits.

영화 자막, 보도자료

연출: 곽경택 감독 Directed by KWAK Kyung-taek

제작: 태원 엔터테인먼트,

Produced by "TAEWON Entertainment"and"JININSA FILM"
배급: 롯데 엔터테인먼트 Presented by "Lotte Entertainment"
출연: 주진모,박시연,주현 Starring: JU Jin-mo, PARK Shi-hyun, JOO Hyun

Translated film main subtitles, and press kits.

영화 자막 , 보도자료 번역

연출: 김미정 감독 Directed by KIM Mi-jung

공동제작: 영화사 아침,

Produced by "ACHIM" and "CINE WORLD "
배급: CJ 엔터테인먼트 Presented by "CJ Entertainment"
출연: 박진희,윤세아 Starring: PARK Jin-hee, YUN Se-ah

Translated film main subtitles, and press kits.

영화 자막 , 보도자료 번역

PIFF 2007 (Pusan International Film Festivial ) Enlgish Website & PIFF 2007 Official English Booklet.

12회 부산국제영화제 영문 홈페이지, 공식 영문책자. (출품작 영문소개)

연출: 심성보 감독 Directed by SHIM Sung-bo

제작: 두손 시네마

Produced by "DOO SOHN CINEMA "
배급: 미로비젼 Presented by "MIRO VISION"
출연: 이성재,김성민,박상면,손창민 Starring: LEE Sung-Jae, KIM Sung-min, PARK Sang-myun, SOHN Chang-min

Translated film main subtitles, and press kits.

영화 자막 , 보도자료

연출: 양윤호 감독 Directed by YANG Yoon-ho

제작: 디알엠엔터테인먼트

Produced by "DRM Entertainment "
배급: 롯데 엔터테인먼트 Presented by "LOTTE Entertainment"
출연: 김강우, 김민선,이수경 Starring: KIM Kang-woo, KIM Min-sun, LEE Soo-kyung

Translated film main subtitles.

영화 자막 번역

연출: 장윤현 감독 Directed by JANG Yoon-hyun

제작: 씨즈 엔터테인먼트,

Produced by "SEES Entertainment ", "CINE2000"
배급: CJ Entertainment Presented by "CJ Entertainment"
출연: 송혜교,유지태 Starring: SONG Hye-kyo, YOO Ji-tae

Translated film main subtitles, press kits, and trailer movie subtitles.

영화 자막, 보도자료, 예고편 자막

연출: 임영성 감독 Directed by LIM Yong-Seong

제작: 태원 엔터테인먼트

Produced by "TAEWON Entertainment "
배급: 롯데 엔터테인먼트 Presented by "Lotte Entertainment "
출연: 정준호,김원희 Starring: CHUNG Jun-ho, KIM Won-hee

Translated promo trailer and Press Kits.

연출: 한재림 감독 Directed by HAN Jae-rim
제작: 루씨 필름 Produced by "Lucy Film "
배급: 롯데 엔터테인먼트 Presented by "Lotte Entertainment"
출연: 송강호,박지영,오달수 Starring: SONG Kang-ho,PARK Ji-young, OH Dal-soo

Translated press kits and film main subtitles.

영화 자막 , 보도자료 번역

연출: 김성욱 감독 Directed by KIM Sung-wook
제작: 컬쳐캡 미디어, 엠넷 미디어 Produced by "CULTURE CAP MEDIA ", "MNET MEDIA"
배급: 롯데 엔터테인먼트 Presented by "LOTTE ENTERTAINMENT "

출연: 김수미, 임채무,유진,하석진

Starring: KIM Soo-mi, LIM Chae-moo, YOO Jin, HA Suk-jin
Translated press kits and film main subtitles.
연출: 심광진 감독 Directed by SHIM Kwang-jin
제작: 프라임 엔터테인먼트 Produced by "PRIME ENTERTAINMENT "
배급: 프라임 엔터테인먼트 Presented by "PRIME ENTERTAINMENT "
출연: 이대근, 이두일, 정경선 Starring: LEE Dae-geun, LEE Doo-il, JUNG Kyoung-sun
Translated screenplay, press kits and film main subtitles.
연출: 정윤철 감독 Directed by JUNG Yun-chul
제작: 무사이 필름, 세고 엔터테인먼트 Produced by "MUSAI FILM "and"SEGO Entertainment"

배급: CJ 엔터테인먼트, 시네마서비스

Presented by "CJ Entertainment " and "Cinema Service"
출연: 천호진,문희경,김혜수 Starring:CHUN Ho-jin, MOON Hee-kyung, KIM Hye-soo

Translated press kits and film main subtitles.

영화 자막 , 보도자료 번역


연출: 진승현 감독 Directed by JIN Seung-hyun

제작: (주)기억속의 매미,동국대학교 영상미디어센터,(주)진진엔터테인먼트 필름

Produced by "Cicada I Remember ", "Donguk University VisualArt&Media Center " and "Jinjin Entertainment Film"
원작: 고은 Original Story by "KO Eun "
출연: 성혜림,김정균,박은수 Starring: SONG Kang-ho,PARK Ji-young, OH Dal-soo
Translated film main subtitles.
연출: 김석윤 감독 Directed by KIM Suk-yoon
제작: 청년필름,싸이더스 FNH Produced by "Chungnyun Films "& "Cidus FNH"
배급: 롯데 엔터테인먼트 Presented by "Lotte Entertainment"
출연: 예지원,지현우 Starring: YEH Ji-won, JEE Hyun-woo 
Translated press kits and film main subtitles.
연출: 김성강 감독 Directed by KIM Sung-kang
제작: 옐로우필름,선우 엔터테인먼트 Produced by "Yellow Films" & " Sunwoo Entertainment"
배급: CJ 엔터테인먼트 Presented by "CJ Entertainment"
출연: 손예진,공형진,류덕환 Starring: SOHN Ye-jin, KONG Hyung-jin, RYU Duk-hwan
Translated press kitss.


연출: 박찬욱 감독 Directed by PARK Chan-wook
제작: 모호필름 Produced by "MOHO Films "
배급: CJ Entertainment Presented by "CJ Entertainment"
출연: 임수정,정지훈(비) Starring: LIM Soo-jung, Jung Ji-hoon("Rain")    

Translated screenplay, presentation materials, press kits , trailer movie subtitles and film main subtitles.

The movie won the "Alfred Bauer Prize 2007" at "the 57th Berlin International Film Festival(Berlinale2007)".
57회 베를린국제영화제(2007) 특별상 수상

연출: 조동오 감독 Directed by Cho Dong-oh
제작: 나비픽쳐스 Produced by "Nabi Pictures"
배급: CJ Entertainment Presented by "CJ Entertainment"
출연: 김태희,정우성 Starring: Kim Tae-hee,Chung Woo-sung              
Translated screenplay, presentation materials, and press kits.
연출: 임대웅 감독 Directed by LIM Dae-woong
출연: 오미희,서영희 Staring: OH Mi-hee, SEO Young-hee
제작: 오죤필름,화인웍스 Produced by Ozon Film &Fine Works
배급: 쇼이스트 Presented by SHOWEAST
Translated screenplay, presentation materials, press kits , trailer movie subtitles and film main subtitles.
연출: 김기영 감독 Directed by KIM Ki-young

출연: 김진규,주증녀,선우용녀

Staring: KIM Jin-kyu, Joo Jeung-nyeo, SUNWOO Yong-nyeo
제작: 한국예술영화사 Produced by KOREA ART FILMS
Translated the film subtitle. Worked with KOFIC.
연출: 윤준형 감독 Directed by YOON Jun-hyung
제작: TMO 엔터테인먼트 Produced by "TMO Entertainment"
배급: SHOWEAST Presented by "SHOWEAST
출연: 조연호,양아람 Starring: CHO Yon-ho, YANG Ah-rahm 
Translated film main subtitles.
연출: 김정우 감독 Directed by KIM Jung-woo
제작: 씨와이필름,익영영화 Produced by "CY Films"&"Ik-young Films"
배급: SHOWEAST Presented by "SHOWEAST
출연: 최성국,신이 Starring: CHOI Sung-gook, SHIN Eeh
Translated screenplay, presentation materials, press kits , trailer movie subtitles and film main subtitles.


감독: 박흥식 Directed by Park Heung-Sik
제작: 블루스톰 Produced by "Blue Storm"
배급: 쇼이스트 Presented by "ShowEast"
출연: 문소리 Starring: Moon So-ri
Translated film subtitles and the official press kits.
연출: 김학순 감독 Directed by Kim Hak-soon
제작: 팜트리픽쳐스 Produced by Palm Tree Pictures
Translated screenplay and synopsis. IN PRODUCTION.
연출: 허진호 감독 Directed by Hur Jin-ho
제작: 블루스톰 Produced by "Blue Storm"
배급: 쇼이스트 Presented by "ShowEast"
출연: 배용준, 손예진 Starring: Bae Yong-joon
          Son Ye-jin

Translated screenplay, trailers, film subtitles and the official press kit.

감독: 박영훈 Directed by Park Young-hoon
제작: 컬쳐캡미디어 Produced by "Culture Cap Media"
배급: 쇼이스트 Presented by "ShowEast"
출연: 문근영, 박건형 Starring: Moon Geun-young,
           Park Gun-hyoung 
Translated trailer, film subtitles, and the official press kit.

2005 베를린영화제 금곰상수상자 "임권택 감독"의 베를린 영화제 본부측이 제작,배포한 공식 책자 영문자료 작성

( 임권택 감독 미공개 필모그래피부분 영문 자료 작성 )

Wrote the sections of director Im Kwon-taek’s filmography booklet published by the Berlin International Film Festival 2005. Director Im won the Honorary Golden Bear.


감독: 김호준 Directed by Kim Ho-joon
제작: 컬쳐캡미디어 Produced by "Culture Cap Media"
배급: 쇼이스트 Presented by "ShowEast"
출연: 김혜성, 박민지 Starring: Kim Hye-sung, Park Min-ji
Translated trailer, film subtitles, and the official press kit.
감독: 정재은 Directed by Jeong Jae-eun
제작: 필름매니아 Produced by "Filmania"
배급: 쇼이스트 Presented by "ShowEast"
출연: 김강우, 천정명 Starring: Kim Kang-woo, Chun Jung-myoung, Lee Chun-hee
2005 베를린 영화제 초청작
Translated trailer, film subtitles, and the official press kit.
감독: 박철수 Directed by Park Chul-soo
제작: 포츈미디어,합동영화 Produced by "Fortune Media"
                & "Hapdong Film"
출연:서정,심지호,오윤 Starring: Suh Jung, Shim Ji-ho,
           Oh Yoon
2005 Sundance Panorama부문 경쟁작,
2005 베를린 영화제 초청작
Translated film subtitles.
감독: 이석연 Directed by Lee Seok-yeon
안시 국제 애니메이션 페스티벌 비경쟁 파노라마부문 진출작
Translated fim subtitles.
감독: 임필성 Directed by Lim,Pil-sung
제작: 사이더스 Produced by "Sidus Pictures"
배급: 쇼박스 Presented by "Show Box"
출연: 송강호, 유지태 Starring: Song,Kang-ho, Yoo,Ji-tae
Translated prelimary script fot overseas marketing.


감독: 정재은,임순례, 여균동,박찬욱, 박진표,박광수 Directed by Jeong Jae-eun,
Lim, Soon-rye, Yeo Kyun-dong, Park Chan-wook, Park Jin-pyo, Park Kwang-soo
제작: 국가인권위원회 Produced by "the Korea Human Rights Commission."
배급: 청어람 Presented by Chung-uh-rahm
출연: 백종학,변정수,
Starring: Paek Jong-hak, Byun Jeong-soo, Jee Jin-hee
An omnibus film by six established directors about issues relating to discrimination.

Translated subtitles to each of the six stories.

감독:김학순 Directed by Kim Hak-soon
제작: BK엔터테인먼트 Produced by "BK Entertainment "
배급: 프리비젼 Presented by "Free Vision "
출연: 장현성,방은진 Starring: Jang,Hyun-sung,
         Pang Eun-jin

Montreal Film Festival(2003), 에딘버러국제영화제(2004), 휴스턴 국제영화제(2004,심사위원특별상,신인감독상) 등 다수

Translated film subtitles

감독: 김상진 Directed by Kim,Sang-jin
제작: 감독의집 Produced by "Director's Home"
배급: 시네마서비스 Presented by "Cinema Service"
출연: 설경구,차승원,
Starring: Sul Kyeong-koo, Cha Seung-won, Song Yoon-ah
Translated film subtitles, and the press kit.
감독:변영주 Directed by Byun Young-joo
제작: Fun&Happiness Produced by "Fun & Happiness"
배급: 시네마서비스 Presented by "Cinema Service"
출연: 김윤진, 이종원 Starring: Kim Yun-jin, Lee,Jong-won
2002 Tokyo International Film Festival

Translated film subtitles and the press kit.

Short Films

"이소룡을 찾아랏"

"Smells like a gun"

"안다고 말하지 마"

"Loud and Clear"

Translated the short film “천국의 에스컬레이터:Escalator to Heaven” (2006) by CHANG Chun-soo

Translated the short film “About Love” (2005) by Ahn Sun-kyung
Translated the short film, “Boy is” (2005) by Cho Ah-ram
Translated the short film, “Just close your eyes and go back” (2005)
Translated the short film, “A Vacation 휴가 ”(Lee Jung-pyo) ,Sep 2002
Translated the short film, “Going Together 동행 ”(Hong Suk-hyun), Aug 2002
Translated the short film, “Too Happy To Die”(Choi Jin-young), Aug 2002
Translated the short film, “My Father’s Song 내 아버지의 노래를 들었네 ”(Lee Jee-sun),Apr 2002
Translated the film, “Do you want the skinny truth? 날씬한 고백을 원하십니까 ?”(Choi Sun-jung), Feb 2002 (Featured in Indie Forum 2002 )
Translated the film, “Don’t even think you know 안다고 말하지마 ”(Song Hye-jin), Jan 2002 Featured in Indie Forum 2002 2002 전주국제영화제 제 3회 대구단편영화제 대상, 제 7회 부산국제영화제 와이드앵글 부문 , 2002 서울독립영화제 대상
Translated the film, “Smells like a gun 총냄새”(Lee Kwang-bok), Dec 2001 (Featured in Indie Forum 2002, ResFest 2001 Ending Film)
“Looking for Bruce Lee 이소룡을 찾아랏 ” (Kang Lone) Translated and co-wrote the press kit for the short film, Nov 2001, Featured in Indie Forum 2002 and other festivals.
Other works: (English to Korean) Translated the books:<Writing Short Script by William Phillips> and <Writing the Character-Centered Screenplay by Andrew Horton> with other members of Research Group Team 3 in the "Film Institute Seoul".
설화수 영문 마케팅 자료 번역, BOAO Forum for Asia의 SK Group 홍보자료